12 Lessons I Wish I’d Known Before Becoming a Freelancer

Have you ever had that itch to break free from the corporate grind, embrace your passion, and become a freelancer?

Anita Nma
3 min readOct 29, 2023

I know I did, and my journey into the world of freelancing has been an eye-opening adventure. It’s been six long years, and while it’s been filled with excitement and self-discovery, there are ten crucial lessons I wish I’d known before taking that bold step.

Lesson 1: The Rollercoaster of Income

Let’s get the money talk out of the way first. Freelance income is like a rollercoaster. Some months you’ll be on top of the world, and others you might be wondering how you’ll make ends meet. Budgeting and saving for those lean times is a must.

Lesson 2: Self-Motivation is Your Best Friend

Working from home or independently demands a strong dose of self-discipline. The siren call of Netflix can be tempting, but learning to stay on track is essential.

Lesson 3: The Art of Client Management

The client-freelancer relationship is a dance, and effective communication is the choreography. Learning how to manage clients, set clear expectations, and deliver quality work is a skill that’ll serve you well.

Lesson 4: The Importance of a Support System

Freelancing can be lonely. Having a support system, whether it’s fellow freelancers, mentors, or friends and family, can provide the emotional backing you need during challenging times.

Lesson 5: Networking is Gold

Networking isn’t just for people in suits. Building a robust professional network can open doors to more clients and opportunities than you’d expect.

Lesson 6: The Time Management Challenge

Balancing work and personal life can be like walking a tightrope. Developing strong time management skills can help keep you from falling.

Lesson 7: Lifelong Learning is Non-Negotiable

Industries evolve rapidly. Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and honing your skills are investments in your future success.

Lesson 8: You Are Your Best Marketer

Your clients won’t magically appear; you’ll need to market your services. Building a strong online presence and potentially a personal website is essential.

Lesson 9: The Legal Nitty-Gritty

Contracts, copyrights, and legalities in freelancing are not just technical jargons –they matter. Understanding these aspects protects both you and your work.

Lesson 10: Benefits Aren’t a Given

As a freelancer, you won’t have employer-provided benefits. You’ll need to plan for healthcare and retirement savings on your own.

Lesson 11: Plan for Retirement

When you’re busy freelancing, retirement might seem distant, but it’s crucial to plan for your financial future. Setting aside funds for retirement early can save you stress down the road.

Lesson 12: Celebrate Your Wins

In the midst of hustling, don’t forget to celebrate your victories, no matter how small. Recognizing your achievements can boost your motivation and satisfaction in your freelancing journey.

In conclusion, my journey into freelancing has been a rollercoaster of experiences. It’s a world of opportunity and independence, but it’s not without its challenges. If I had known these twelve lessons before embarking on this path, I might have been even better prepared for the adventure. So, fellow freelancers, embrace the journey, learn from your experiences, and keep these lessons close to heart as you navigate the exciting world of freelancing.

